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The IELTS test has four tests for both the Academic and General Training module. The IELTS ‘Speaking Test’ and the ‘IELTS Listening Test’ are same for both the modules. The IELTS ‘Listening Test’ audios are a bit too tough to understand fully by the candidates appearing for the test from non-English speaking countries. Sometimes, even […]
The IELT test assesses the ability and efficiency of a candidate in all forms of the English languages which need the highest level of accuracy in performance. The IELTS listening test is the same for both the formats of the IELTS i.e., 1) The IELTS Academic test, 2) The IELTS General Training test. When it […]
The IELTS Listening Test is a bit tough for non-English speaking countrymen. Non-native English speakers face a real challenge while it comes to listening and understanding ‘UK English.’ In the listening test the audio for the test plays for once only, so even a little bit of distraction may result in losing quite a few […]
The listening test gets increasingly difficult with each part, i.e. Section 2 is tougher than Section 1, Section 3 in tougher compared to Section 2 and Section 4 is the toughest of all. In the Section 3 of the IELTS Listening Test, the candidates usually get to listen to a recorded conversation between 2-4 speakers […]
The IELTS Listening Test Section 4 is the toughest of all the four sections. In this section of the IELTS test, the candidates will get to listen to a lecture of a professor or lecturer; answers will be hidden in the lecture. The candidates will have to listen to the audio very minutely and write […]