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The IELTS Reading Test is a test of proficiency in ‘Reading and understanding’ the English language, and though it is named as ‘Reading Test’, the candidates have to write the ‘Answers’ based on the topics given to read! The ‘Reading Test’ is different for both IELTS Academic Test and IELTS General Test. Though in both […]
Everyone dream to achieve a high band Score in the IELTS, for a better future. It’s true that getting a ‘High Band Score’ like 7 or more is extremely tough and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that it’s not anybody’s job. It takes a lot of dedicated, sincere effort and proper guidance, razor […]
The IELTS Tests are designed to test the ultimate level of proficiency in all forms of the English language of a student/candidate. The IELTS Academic tests are for students who want to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in a foreign English speaking country. The IELTS tests certify students/candidates with a Band Score, the higher […]
The international English language testing system or IELTS exam is the most recognized testing system for ‘Proficiency in English’. When one opts for higher study and venturing out to an English speaking country it is compulsory to clear successfully either IELTS exam or TOEFL or tests of similar type and status. The IELTS exam assesses […]
The IELTS Writing Task1 (Academic) provides the student to write explaining a Line/Bar Graph/Pie Chart/Double Line Graph/Table. The Student/candidate needs to write/explain the data available from the Graph or Table, as is the case may be. The writing has to be within minimum 150 words, but not exceeding the limit by +50 words. This test is […]