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If you are planning to take the IELTS Academic test, you are advised to have adequate synonyms for each word in your vocabulary and apply them appropriately in your writing. The IELTS Task 1 of the ‘Academic Writing Test’, requires you to use a good range of ‘Typical/Suitable Vocabulary’ to present the given set of […]

The IELTS Tests patterns are made in such a way so as to test a candidate on how efficient he is in all forms of the English language. By all forms it means that the IELTS judges the proficiency of a student’s proficiency of 1) Listening, 2) Speaking, 3) Reading and 4) Writing the English […]

The IELTS Tests are designed to test the ultimate level of proficiency in all forms of the English language of a student/candidate. The IELTS Academic tests are for students who want to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in a foreign English speaking country. The IELTS tests certify students/candidates with a Band Score, the higher […]

The IELTS Writing Task1 (Academic) provides the student to write explaining a Line/Bar Graph/Pie Chart/Double Line Graph/Table. The Student/candidate needs to write/explain the data available from the Graph or Table, as is the case may be. The writing has to be within minimum 150 words, but not exceeding the limit by +50 words. This test is […]

The IELTS Essay writing skills deserve getting a special attention. As, the IELTS test is known to be the most popular and trusted test of proficiency in all forms of the English language, no need to explain the standard it maintains. Writing a perfect essay in the IELTS test is not just writing any essay. […]