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If you are planning to take the IELTS Academic test, you are advised to have adequate synonyms for each word in your vocabulary and apply them appropriately in your writing. The IELTS Task 1 of the ‘Academic Writing Test’, requires you to use a good range of ‘Typical/Suitable Vocabulary’ to present the given set of […]

The one liner answer is you might do that, but you should not do that, rather you should be prepared for uncommon topics as well. The candidates who appear in the IELTS Tests desire for getting some common topics so that it become easy for them to answer. Who doesn’t want to know ‘Common Questions’ […]

In the IELTS Writing Test, you need to write in complex sentences where applicable. Candidates often seem to have a misconception that, the more complex sentences they write, the better ‘Band Score’ they would get. Often in the process, they write wrong sentences and lose marks. Writing ‘]Complex Sentences, as and when applicable is an […]