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The IELTS Speaking Test takes 11-15 minutes to complete. In this test, the candidates require taking part in an interactive discussion with a ‘Certified IELTS Examiner.’ The test has got three parts: • In Part 1 of the iELTS speaking test, the candidates are asked a few questions about himself, his work and his areas […]

Everyone dream to achieve a high band Score in the IELTS, for a better future. It’s true that getting a ‘High Band Score’ like 7 or more is extremely tough and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that it’s not anybody’s job. It takes a lot of dedicated, sincere effort and proper guidance, razor […]

Unlike other modules of the test, the speaking section of the IELTS test is little tricky and will be concluded in a maximum of 15 minutes. In this short period, you need to convince the examiner that you can speak well in English! There are certain points you need remember to perform well in the […]

Without any dissent, while pursuing the dream of making an ‘International Career’ or even ‘A prestigious career’ one has to have an ‘Excellent English communication skill’. English is ‘The Official Language of Communication’ around the world. A ‘Poor English Speaker’ is sure to be discarded in the first ‘appearance’, on an ‘Interview’. A ‘Non-Native English […]

The ‘Speaking Test’ is one of the most important parts and the most imperative part of the total testing system, as here a candidate has to face a ‘Certified Examiner’ on whose judgment depends the candidate’s score. So, being a fluent speaker is not enough to impress the examiner, the candidate should be ready witted […]