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The IELTS Writing Task1 (Academic) provides the student to write explaining a Line/Bar Graph/Pie Chart/Double Line Graph/Table. The Student/candidate needs to write/explain the data available from the Graph or Table, as is the case may be. The writing has to be within minimum 150 words, but not exceeding the limit by +50 words. This test is […]

The one liner answer is, ‘Grammatical Knowledge’ is of top priority for the ‘IELTS’ Test. As we all know that grammar is the foundation of any language, it holds good for the IELTS Test as well. In both the two formats of the IELTS Tests i.e. in the IELTS Academic Test and in the IELTS […]

In the IELTS Writing Test, you need to write in complex sentences where applicable. Candidates often seem to have a misconception that, the more complex sentences they write, the better ‘Band Score’ they would get. Often in the process, they write wrong sentences and lose marks. Writing ‘]Complex Sentences, as and when applicable is an […]