What is IELTS for UKVI?
“UKVI” stands for the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration Service.
If you plan to study, work or move to the UK, you need to take an IELTS test approved by “UK Visa and Immigration” (UKVI). This applies to everyone who is from a non-English speaking country.
Universities, colleges, and professional bodies in the UK will only accept IELTS tests authorized for UKVI. Therefore, a regular IELTS score will not be considered.
The test format for IELTS for UKVI
Regular “IELTS” and “IELTS for UKVI” are the exact same test. There is no change in the content, format, level of difficulty and scoring. IELTS for UKVI pursues some added safety protocols to guarantee the authenticity of the test.
The Test Report Form (TRF) also looks slightly different from the usual IELTS one.
Difference between IELTS and “IELTS for UKVI”
1. It is more costly.
2. The examination halls, entry corridor, and speaking test room all have surveillance cameras.
3. Use your “IELTS UKVI” results in the same way as you would a conventional IELTS test. When it comes to immigration, a non-UKVI result will be rejected by the UK.
The “IELTS for UKVI” examinations must be taken at a UKVI-approved IELTS test centre and must meet the UK Home Office’s administrative standards. The Exam Report Form (TRF) will be somewhat modified to demonstrate that the test was performed in a UKVI accredited test centre.
UKVI test options
UKVI Academic is for study at Undergraduate or Post-graduate levels in the UK and for those who seek professional registration in the UK.
UKVI General is for individuals who want to migrate to the UK under certain visa categories and for those who want to train or study below degree level.
This test is for those who want to apply for ‘family of settled person’ visas.
This test is for applying for an extension to family, spouse, or partner visa.
Those who want to apply for indefinite leave to remain or citizenship must take this test.
What is IELTS Life Skills?
If you’re looking for a ‘family of a settled person’ visa, you’ll need to take the IELTS Life Skills A1 exam.
If you’re seeking for a ‘indefinite leave to remain or citizenship’ visa, you’ll need to take the IELTS Life Skills B1 exam.
The IELTS Life Skills test has a specific format.
The IELTS Life Skills test is designed to fulfil certain immigration standards in which applicants must simply demonstrate their ability to speak and listen.
You’ll be judged on how well you communicate in common situations in an English-speaking nation, including subjects such as personal experiences, family and friends, chasing goods, education, job, training, weather, recreation, travel, transportation, housing and health care, among other things.
The exam is intended to assess your listening and speaking abilities, as well as your ability to react in a clear and proper manner.
You and another test taker, as well as one examiner, take the test together. During this one session, your performance in both Speaking and Listening is evaluated. You are examined on both speaking and listening abilities at the same time, so there is no pause between them.
Originally posted 2022-03-08 08:10:46.