IELTS Listening Test Sample Questions and How to Answer – Section 4

ielts listening test
courtesy: 123rf .com
The IELTS Listening Test Section 4 is the toughest of all the four sections. In this section of the IELTS test, the candidates will get to listen to a lecture of a professor or lecturer; answers will be hidden in the lecture. The candidates will have to listen to the audio very minutely and write the answers on the question papers during listening (as usual in other sections of the listening tests). The candidates who didn’t read the questions properly, will not be able to answer properly. Also, as the audio is played for once only; there would be no chance to re-hear the missed portion of the audio. Here first we are writing the tapescript of the audio, then we will write the questions.
A research on the blue whale by using the ‘Arial Survey’ technology reveals how the blue whale is spread over across the sea covering a wide area during all the seasons. In order to investigate the habitat of the blue whales, we took help of a group of researchers from the Australia as the search was focussed mainly on the Australian Bright. The research helped us to narrow down on several conclusive data including the pattern of movements, the depth of water that they like to stay at and also their behaviors during the upwelling of the sea water, etc.
We also conducted an ecological research for examining the blue whales’ change of habitat. Our small vessel, named ‘Boney Blue,’ became very handy during the research, while we ventured to an area known as ‘the feeding ground for the whales.’ The area ‘Portland Victoria’, was a major location in our map. We investigated for the favorite food of the Blue Whales and found Krills, Shrimps and some other planktonic crustaceans are at the top of their favorite food list. We also tagged some Blue Whales, hoping to track their ‘Migratory Movements’ towards the tropical sea. While researching we also came to know that a group of Soviet Whalers killed secretly and illegally hundreds of whales in the subtropical oceanic region.
We conducted Photo Identification routines, which is likely to become a major focus of BWS Research in the near future. The photo identification includes distinctive pigmentation photography patterns of the Blue Whales. In recent research, we have concluded that the photo identification makes it possible to monitor the actual health of the Blue Whales. Moreover, we were involved in ‘Biopsy Sampling’ by collecting small pieces of skin for genetic analysis. As the research is on, we are expecting to know more and more unknown facts about the blue whales, and thus we will be able to save them from extinction.
[The audio for the IELTS Listening test Section 4 has come to an end. Now students will have to transfer answers from the question papers to the final answer sheet. For ease of understanding the answers hidden in the tape-script has been made bold and underlined. You won’t get it on the test.]
Below are the questions from 31 to 40 which will have to answer according to instruction.
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the sentences given below, using no more than ‘Two Words’
31. A research on the blue whale by using the _______ _________technology. (Answer: ‘Arial Survey’)
32. As the search was focused mainly on the ______ ________ (Answer: Australian Bright.)
33. Our small vessel, named ______ ______ became very handy (Answer: ‘Boney Blue’)
34. The area ______ ______ was a major location in our map. (Answer: ‘Portland Victoria’)
35. We investigated for the favorite food of the Blue Whales and found ______ ________ (Answer: Krills, Shrimps)
Questions 36 to 40 (Choose the Correct Letter From A,B,C,D)
36. We also, tagged some Blue Whales hoping to track their _______ ________
A. Tropical Movements
B. Narrow Movements
C. Migratory Movements C
D. Down-water Movements
37. While researching we also came to know, that a group of _______ _________
A. American Pirates
B. Nigerian Whales
C. Soviet Dwellers
D. Soviet Whalers D
38. We conducted _____ _________ routines.
A. Face Identification
B. Laser Identification.
C. Photo Identification C
D. Digital Identification
39. Which is likely to become a major focus of doing ______ ________ in the near future.
A. BWS Research A
B. CWS Research
C. Sea Water Research
D. BWX Research
40. Moreover, as we were involved in ______ ______ by collecting small pieces of skin.
A. Random Sampling
B. Photo Snatching
C. Biopsy Sampling C
D. Autopsy Applying
In section 4, usually tougher lectures are used. But, if the candidates read each of the questions carefully and listen to the audio with keen concentration, then they would be able to choose and write the right answers easily. Writing answers on the question papers simultaneously while listening to the audio makes it easier for those candidates, who have a better skill of understanding the contextual meaning of the audio.
Originally posted 2017-07-12 14:12:56.