IELTS Academic Reading Test Sample Questions & Answers (Part 2)

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Effect of Global Warming – Sea water level is rising alarmingly.
Global Warming & Sea water Flood
A Two major and significant concerns of the scientists and also the communities of the coastal area are the ‘Global Warming’ and the ‘Sea Water Flood’ caused by it. The sea water flood has been destroying a lot of wealth and taking lives on a regular basis for years. Whatever actions have been taken so far to curb or reduce the global warming and reduce the chance of flood thereby has not been able to produce significant change or impact on the big problem.
Sea water level is rising sharply
B It is felt that immediate action has to be taken to curb the monster. Unless otherwise, the rampage of global warming would intensify with time and the destruction would continue, people would die, farmers would lose crops, habitats would be swept by the salty sea water around the coastal line. The effect would be huge and widespread all over the planet. Globally the sea water level has become eight inches higher compared to the level in the year 1980. What is scaring for the US is that the rate of rising of the sea water level is a bit too faster around the U.S. Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Another terrifying fact is that global Warming is accelerating the rise of sea water level directly, thus increasing the risk of flooding the low areas surrounding the coast.
Coastal areas are vulnerable to flood
C Global warming is the primary reason of rising of sea water and the increase of sea water current. The communities around the U.S. east coast and the Gulf Coast have been under terrific threat for the last 30 years or more, they have just been managed to survive under the terrible sea rage. According to the scientists, human activities like burning coal and destroying natural tropical forests by cutting trees mercilessly, thus opening earth surface and causing traps for heat generating gases, the more such gases get absorbed by the earth surface the global warming would be more concerning. The year on year rise in global temperature causing warmer sea and ocean water, increase in temperature causing expansion in volume of water resulting in flooding the coastal areas, even when there is a minor cyclone or earthquake.
Sea Water Level will rise alarmingly in the next century
D This global warming has also caused shrinking of ‘Land Ice’, resulting in a further rise in temperature. Survey and Research works have discovered, apart from ‘Land Ice’, Glaciers, Ice Caps and also Ice sheets are shrinking very fast with the rise of Global temperature and thus causing the sea and ocean water expand in volume and pose a threat to life and community living beside the coastal areas. The researchers are affirming that the ‘Sea Water Level’ will rise alarmingly in the next century. However, the current rate of rising is alarming enough. We cannot compensate what damage has done so far, but we can try to safeguard our present and future, by ensuring less global warming. A fearsome report produced by the scientists is that, if the rise in global temperature cannot be controlled significantly by the year 2050, we might have to face terrible situations like permanent inundation, at different places on earth.
Erosion of the shoreline & the main land are extremely concerning
E A projected rise in sea level by the year 2100 has shown as 6.6 feet above from the level that was found in 1992 (at some areas on the globe). This data is frightening enough for those who know the possible outcome, as the sea water level is rising more rapidly than expected. Another terrifying news is that the ‘Huge Loss’ in the volume of the ice in Greenland And West Antarctica, will cause a terrible effect on the rise of sea water in the long run. A huge volume of US population, roughly above 100 million live in coastal areas, which are too vulnerable to flood due to rising sea water. These coastal areas are parts of Coastal states like Louisiana, Florida, North & South California. These areas are prone to get flooded; also there are another two major concerns, one is the erosion of the shoreline and the other is erosion underneath the ground of the mainland.
The US under threat of huge property loss due to flood
F Often coastal storm causes a surge in sea water, and if there is high wind directing towards the coast, it pushes the water towards the mainland, causing the flood and the cruel sea damage houses and take lives, if not evacuated in time. The scientists have announced another scary fact that numerous low-lying lands beside the sea or ocean are apprehended to go under permanent inundation gradually under sea water. Moreover, the research says a rise of another two feet of the level of sea water will cause the US more than 1 trillion dollars, calculating the total damage caused by it. Drinking water might also get salty, if the rising sea water enters further towards the coastal areas, resulting in huge loss to agriculture as well.
No permanent solutions have found to curb ‘Global Warming’
G Action has to be taken to reduce ‘Global Warming’ and ensure safety, as much as possible. Next, comes the safeguarding process, like defending the coastal areas in numerous ways. The old defensive way of spreading sand bags, big boulders, building guard walls around the sea, might be temporary solutions, but will not be long lasting enough. Planting Mangroves around the sea coast will curb erosion to some extent. But as per the scientists, there is no single solution which is permanent. Global warning has to be dealt with extreme care, the damage that has already done, cannot be undone, but the further damage has to be prevented to ensure undesired flooding of lands causing casualty and damage of property.
IELTS Academic Reading Test (Part 2)
(You must not spend more than 20 minutes for this part, as the 3rd part might take more time to complete)
This part contains 14 questions carrying 1 mark each, so in all, you will get 14 marks in maximum for all right answers.
Questions 1-7
The first seven paragraphs of the Reading Passage are lettered A-G. Choose the best matching headlines for the paragraphs A-G from the list of headlines given below.
List of Headlines.
i Global Warming & Sea water Flood
ii Erosion of the shoreline & the main land are extremely concerning
iii Planting Mangroves around the sea coast will curb erosion to some extent
iv Sea Water Level will rise alarmingly in the next century
v US under threat of huge property loss due to flood
vi Coastal areas are vulnerable to flood
vii Sea water level is rising sharply
- 1) Paragraph A i
- 2) Paragraph B vii
- 3) Paragraph C vi
- 4) Paragraph D iv
- 5) Paragraph E ii
- 6) Paragraph F v
- 7) Paragraph G iii
IELTS Tips: A hyphenated word is considered as ONE word, for example: – Short-Term
Questions 8-10
Complete each of the following statements with a suitable word by choosing from the reading passage.
8) ________ the sea water level has become _____ inches higher compared to the level in the year 1980.
9) _________ in the volume of the ice in _________And West Antarctica,
10) a rise of another two feet of the ____of sea water will cause the US more than 1 _____dollar
Answer 8: Globally, eight
Answer 9: Huge Loss, Greenland
Answer 10: level, trillion
Questions 11-14
Find out, if the following statements given under, agree with the information given in the Reading Passage.
Write in the boxes 11-14 on the ‘Answer Sheet’ you are given.
YES, if the statement given agrees fully with sentences in the Reading Passage.
NO, if the given statement does not match at all with any sentence of the Reading Passage.
NOT GIVEN, If the given sentence is not found at all in the Reading Passage.
11) ‘Huge Loss’ in the volume of the ice in Greenland And West Antarctica, will cause a terrible Tsunami False
12) Planting Pine Trees around the sea coast will curb the tsunami Not Given
13) the rate of rising of the sea water level is a bit too faster around the U.S. Coast and the Gulf of Mexico True
14) numerous low-lying lands beside the sea or ocean are apprehended to go under permanent inundation True
As I have already mentioned that, you will face the 3 Reading Tests with increasing difficulty. Now notice that there are 14 questions asked in this part, so it’s wise not to spare more than one minute for answering one question. Counting questions of Part-1 & Part-2 we see, that there are 13 questions in Part-1 & 14 questions in Part-2, which totals to 27 questions, means 27 marks. So, in the last part, i.e. Part-3 there would be 13 questions in total carrying 1 mark each. The IELTS Academic Reading Part 2 is visibly not very tough to answer; therefore intelligent candidates should try to secure full marks in the reading test in order to avail higher band score as a whole.
Originally posted 2017-08-06 14:01:39.