5 Ways to Score High in the IELTS Exam

ielts exam
The international English language testing system or IELTS exam is the most recognized testing system for ‘Proficiency in English’. When one opts for higher study and venturing out to an English speaking country it is compulsory to clear successfully either IELTS exam or TOEFL or tests of similar type and status. The IELTS exam assesses the skill of a student in English writing, speaking, listening and the tests are designed in a manner to smoothen life for one in study or work. It has an excellent worldwide reputation and the ‘Certificate’ provided by the authority is accepted by over 9000 organizations throughout the world. Judging the importance of the test it is required for one to clear the testing system with ‘Good Score’. Before going to crack ‘IELTS exam’ one has to got the right basic and fundamental knowledge in English. Naturally first comes the questions of how to achieve a ‘Standard Knowledge of English Language’. In almost all major countries with some exceptions , English is taught in schools and colleges up to the 12th standard. English is taught in ‘English Medium’ schools as ‘First Language’ and in ‘Non-English Medium’ schools as ‘Second Language. So a ‘Genuinely Good Student’ is supposed to be good at ‘Fundamental English knowledge’. To enhance one’s knowledge one should start with a ‘Standard English Grammar Book’ and study the basics intriguingly to learn the correct usage of articles, punctuation marks, change of voice, narration and above all constructing ‘Correct’ sentences. Reading good essays will also be very helpful for developing fundamental knowledge. There are two types of tests conducted by IELTS, one IELTS exam Academic test and the other is IELTS exam General test, our discussion will cover both the forms of tests.
- IELTS Listening Test : While preparing for the listening test one needs to learn, understand and follow ‘British English and American English’. Listening to ‘English News on BBC Channel‘ or ‘CNN News Chanel ‘ would be highly beneficial for enhancing the understanding of English language, because here one gets to listen and becomes accustomed to ‘Foreign Accent’. Watching good English Movies with no subtitles will also be very beneficial for the purpose. Another resource to listen and learn from, are the ‘Debates Show’ be it any issue, listening to ‘Debates Show’ provides with awareness of ‘Real life Conversations’ and also the way to express opinions strongly. Hundreds of audio and video lessons are available on the Internet, listening to those lessons are immensely helpful for a person to improve his ‘Understanding of English Language’ and learning the ‘Right English Accent’. Now comes the actual process of preparation of IELTS exam listening test. IELTS exam Listening test consists of 4 sections. At the start of each section some instructions are given, then an audio starts playing and a candidate needs to listen and write down the answers. From the Internet one can download the practice question papers and blank answer sheets then one needs to write the answers using a pencil on the question paper while listening. Now after listening to the instructions for each section of the test carefully one should go for answering all of the 40 questions carrying one mark each. Other instructions relating to maintaining time and checking back the answers are provided in the sample papers. Following this procedures rigorously one can develop oneself for the actual system of test and certainly score well in the exam.
- Preparing for ‘IELTS Reading test’ : ‘Reading the Daily English Newspapers’ is of immense importance for learning English, one shouldn’t be a skimmer, rather got to be a reader with an intense desire to learn from it. Reading Newspapers only updates a person with what going around the world but also enriches his vocabulary, the way of narrating events, the way of constructing correct sentences. Reading the ‘Editorial of a Good English News Paper’ provides an exposure to ‘Rich and Ornamental English’. While reading one should take notes of new words and jot down the meaning of them, initially it might be monotonous but it’s the proven best way to ‘Enrich the English Language Vocabulary’ of a person. So it’s’ useless to be a ‘Skimmer’ as it doesn’t make any good to anybody. Coming to the exact point, ‘IELTS exam Reading Test’ has three sections, each of the three parts of this ‘Reading Practice Test’ are presented over three separate web pages, to make the practice realistic one should mind the time, there remain 40 questions in the practice paper, carrying one mark each to be answered in one hour. Candidates are provided to read miscellaneous texts which are taken from books, journals, magazines or newspapers. A variety of questions is asked after reading the text, like identifying writer’s views or claims, matching information or headings, sentence completion etc. Taking the help of Internet would be very handy as the detailed of the test are available for download. The test sample papers are also downloadable along with blank answer sheet are downloadable from the Internet. Apart from these lot of study material are available in Internet anyone can download and gather an experience of real life IELTS reading test to score higher in the exam
- Preparing for IELTS Writing Test: The guideline of ‘How to Prepare for IELTS Writing Test ‘ are available on the Internet, one should follow the minute details of it . The IELTS exam Writing test takes 60 minutes. Given 20 minutes on Task 1, and 40 minutes on Task 2, one will have to manage time accordingly. Writing the ideas in a clear and an organized manner and using a wide-ranging vocabulary is desired. The test is designed in a manner to assess the range of writing skills of a candidate. It includes ‘Writing a response appropriately’, ‘Organizing the ideas immaculately while writing on a topic’. The test also checks the candidates ‘Range of vocabulary’ and ‘Proficiency in English Grammar.’ So while preparing for IELTS exam, writing and getting rectified with the help of a ‘Good English Teacher’ or by taking the help of Internet is really something that works. There are dozens of ‘Good English Essay Books’ available in bookstores or shops one has to pick up one wisely. First to learn the art of essay writing and then one should start writing all by oneself without cramming the essay from the book. If a teacher is available to help and rectify it’s better, otherwise the grammar books and essay books are to be followed for rectification. The Internet is also a good resource good essays. There are dozens of good websites there, searching in Google for ‘Learn English Free’ will provide with many fabulous websites for learning English free of cost’. Apart from learning tips and tricks for preparing well for IELTS writing test, there are downloadable lessons on the Internet, which anyone can download and read on their PC or Cell phone. If one can’t afford to spend much for books and tuition fees, it is possible to develop ‘Written English’ substantially for achieving a good score in IELTS exam with the free stuff from Internet.
- Preparing for IELTS Speaking Test: Speaking in general, every person is used to think within himself in his ‘Mother Tongue’. For being a person with ‘Proficiency in The English Language’, the habit of thinking in mother tongue has to be shrugged off. ‘Non-Native English Speakers’ at the beginning of their learning phase, translates their thought into English. This way ‘Spoken English’ cannot be learned. The speaker should be spontaneous, no time to think and translate while talking to a person or taking part in debate or so. So one has to keep thinking and talking as much as possible not only to himself but also with persons with at least ‘Optimum Level of English of Communication’ IELTS exam speaking test is absolutely close to real life conversations. Student’s ‘Communication Skill’ is put to the ultimate test when their assessment is made by a ‘Certified Examiner’ on the basis of conversation on a wide-range of randomly selected topics, the test is carried out for 15 minutes of conversation session. The examiner asks a student to introduce himself and general questions on familiar topics related to interest of study etc. after that a student is given a ‘Task Card’ with a given ‘a particular topic to discuss’ here the students general awareness, vocabulary, strength of grammar all are put to ultimate test, after finishing discussion on topic 1 a few questions are asked by the examiner and then the student is provided with topic 2 to discuss in the same manner again the examiner asks a few questions. All these questions provide a student an opportunity to clarify his concept in details, thus the depth of the student’s is measured thoroughly. Naturally while preparing for the test emphasizing on spoken English skill with the right accent is very important. If a person gets to speak English with an English-speaking person he is supposed to improve rapidly. But not everybody is so lucky, improving spoken English, especially for a person with ‘Non-English Medium Background’ might take some time but for a diligent student with an intense desire to learn and of course with proper guidance, it’s a matter of a few months to become a fluent Speaker. Spontaneity doesn’t come over night. Anyone eager to learn spoken English with corrects accent might surf the internet to get helpful audio materials, also audios on IELTS speaking tips. Moreover, old question papers and sample question papers of IELTS exam all are available on the Internet. Also available are the details of all ‘How to’ on IELTS exam tips. One can initially start preparing himself for achieving the optimum level of English knowledge.
- Joining a Reputed Training Center for ielts exam Preparation is mandatory: When a person pursuing success with a knowledge that there are hundreds of thousands of competitors are there, boosting oneself to an excellent standard is a must. It is an approved truth that for cracking special competitive exams, taking special coaching is indispensable. Without specialized training and proper guidance, it is nearly impossible for one to be counted amongst the successful ones. The reputed and famous ‘Training Institutes’ do not only teach how to practice for the test, but also will give you “mock tests” so that you will get a clear idea about how the exam will be, what are your weak points, how to adjust the timings, where you need more practice, etc. With many years of experience, the trainers will train you step-by-step and give you good reference materials and special tips which you can’t get otherwise. The professional ‘IELTS Coaching Centers‘ teach students organizing their ideas coherently, opinionating on events, speaking at a length on a given topic, analyzing, discussing and speculating about miscellaneous events or issues.
All in all IELTS Exam is not too tough and achieving good band score is possible as well, provided that the concerned person has followed the summary of the discussion so far. A person with a poor background in the English language should first update himself with adequate basic knowledge of English language. Only after acquiring an optimum knowledge level, focus to be shifted towards preparing and cracking IELTS. There are so many reputed Institutes from which a person may choose ‘One’, to name a few like The IELTS Academy in Bangalore, BBC English, etc. These Institutes prepare students with a series of tests as, ‘Written test’, ‘Listening test’ and ‘Speaking Test’. To make a student competent and proficient enough. Apart from teaching, they give stress on right accent which is generally a problem for non-native English speakers. If you are really good in English and are confident enough and decided to study yourself, there are very good websites with lot of IELTS Preparation materials which are free to download. So following the basics rigorously, taking proper guidance and with a ‘never say Die’ attitude it is surely possible to clear and secure good band score in IELTS exam.
Originally posted 2016-09-25 15:22:08.