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IELTS Test Preparation Tips

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How to improve your vocabulary for IELTS Test
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The IELTS Test has no part which tests only the vocabulary of a candidate. But a wide range of vocabulary is indispensable, as your vocabulary is responsible for 25% marks in the IELTS writing and speaking tests. The vocabulary is also important for the IELTS Listening test and the IELTS Reading test. Initially, you have to build up […]

Tips for better results on IELTS
ielts tips

Here are some useful test preparation tips for IELTS test and get a higher rank: Determine on how this IELTS test works – Perhaps, you do well on English language but knowing the test format is more important. Taking the IELTS test without any knowledge of the test format signifies as over-confident that somehow leads […]

IELTS Writing – How To Write a Complex Sentence Correctly ?
ielts writing tips

In the IELTS Writing Test, you need to write in complex sentences where applicable. Candidates often seem to have a misconception that, the more complex sentences they write, the better ‘Band Score’ they would get. Often in the process, they write wrong sentences and lose marks. Writing ‘]Complex Sentences, as and when applicable is an […]